Yearn Subgraph

What is Yearn Subgraph?
Hosted on the Graph protocol, Yearn-Subgraph efficiently retrieves required data from Yearn smart contracts by storing the user data and aggregating it to display historical returns. Yearn Subgraph enables developers to easily access and analyze valuable metrics such as vault performance and user balances. Developers can integrate Yearn-Subgraph into their dapps by using the GraphQL API endpoint provided by Graph Explorer.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Yearn Subgraph
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Yearn Subgraph.

Solidity Developer Tools
Solidity library to sign off-chain messages that grant non-transferrable powers to other people.

Web3 Data Tools
Noves (no-vez) is the data access stack for blockchains and their ecosystem.

Web3 Data Tools
Spring Labs helps businesses securely store and share sensitive data.
Resources and Guides about Subgraphs
Yearn Subgraph Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Yearn Subgraph.

Compound v3 Mainnet Community Subgraph by Paperclip Labs.

ENS subgraph provides an optimized and efficient way of querying Ethereum Name Service (ENS) data.

Endaoment Subgraph uses a GraphQL API to extract on-chain insights from the Endaoment protocol.